Frank Stronghorse

Looking Inward and Looking Outward

August 19, 2017

NW Wheel of Power Teaching

NW Wheel of Power


Complete PDF Here

August 19, 2017

God, the Creator


by Frank Stronghorse


Certainly there is probably no other topic that enlist such a wide variety of emotional responses than a discussion on what and/or who is God. In a world wherein, for thousands of years, the “anointed” representatives of God have place Him in such an abstract position in relation to the human consciousness, there is no wonder that a discussion about God results in such emotional and varied responses. Perhaps if His presence was to become much more energetically familiar to all of us than has previously been known, a lot of the conflicting dialogue would become mute. And, there is a very good chance that this is closer than you think.


August 19, 2017

Ten Shinning Characteristics



1)  Ability to see and sense a destiny with Creator.


2)  Can shift from child spirit/substance shield to adult spirit/substance shield at will.


3)  Able to teach with humor and direct energy with humor.


4)  Can wear the mask of any arena wherein you are able to manifest resources from others.


5)  Can see and sense divine energy and how it plays out with the Great Design.


6)  Can manifest compassion without rescue.


7)  Can see and use the inner reliability of diversity to create union and harmony.


8)  Can draw balance and harmony out of nature to regain center.


9)  Move in directions that are needed to have the survival skills naturally. 


10)  Accept Death as an ally. 

August 19, 2017

Moving into the Fifth World

Moving into the Fifth World

by Frank Stronghorse

Moving into the Fifth World can best be described as a transformation from a past wherein humans were neither sacred nor had incorporated much of what leads a person to become truly human. Sacred in this text definition is more about becoming a natural part of the natural energies of this planet and thus be able to operate on all levels in harmony within Sacred Law. The First Sacred Law is “Maximum Effect with Minimum Effort.” The only way to completely understand this law is to step into and operate completely within the boundaries of a Sacred Human. Religion has created their own definition of a Sacred Human and placed these beings in a place which seems both unreachable and completely out of context within the modern world. You have many people acting as though they are attempting to be Sacred Humans, through a moral, mental, emotional, and dogmatic fashion, but they are not operating within the natural world in harmony with the First Sacred Law or any of the other Sacred Laws.


August 19, 2017



by Frank Stronghorse


Recently I had my attention rather rudely, but profoundly, engaged with the presence of jealousy. Not that jealousy had anything to do with the immediate situation that I was dealing with, but it apparently was the prime cause of something that happened to me many lifetimes ago. Since this particular current lifetime situation was extremely important to me, I decided that I should give jealousy some dreaming attention…especially from the standpoint of Melchizedeks.


We tend to see jealousy as a male/female human emotional aspect of our lives, yet one must also explore this from a spiritual viewpoint. Does jealousy exist among the Hierarchy, Councils, etc.? If so, did jealousy come from the spirit world into the human world or from the human world to the spirit world? Was the implant fashioned 32 billion years ago out of jealousy? Was the Fall and Satan motivated by jealousy? These are important questions. However, regardless of the answers to these questions, the most important question is how do we clean this up.


August 19, 2017

Identity Value

The Identity Value Paradox

Keys to Becoming Human

by Frank Stronghorse


The paradox of the Identity Value of the human is rooted in the struggle to solve the complex structure of a spiritual soul being versus a physical soul being.

Identity Value in its current state of consciousness relates more to one’s ability to manifest physical amenities versus manifesting spiritual amenities that enhance one’s experience on planet Earth as a human being. The essence of the paradox is the confusion of the humans to develop discernment between finding complete wholeness in a spiritual world versus a physical world and how and why these competing energies tend to distract from each other versus compliment and nurture one another.


August 19, 2017

Four Enemies of the Human


Four Enemies of the Human

by Frank Stronghorse


(These teachings came to me via Harley Swiftdeer and the Twisted Hair Medicine Society of Turtle Island)

There are four basic enemies of the human which work to keep them from fully engaging with their spirit/soul selves. These enemies are common to all humans, yet they present themselves to every human on different levels and with different disguises. These enemies are Fear, Clarity, Power, and Death/old age.


These enemies create doubt in the minds of mankind and this doubt tends to redirect one’s true higher purpose, or authentic self, away from an intimate relationship with the web of life and into a concentrated need for personal power and prestige. This separation creates a void that increases the illusions of the need to entertain one’s self with these enemies instead of becoming the authentic self that is inside of the destiny of mankind.


August 19, 2017

Flowering Tree Ceremony

Flowering Tree Ceremony

(aka Talking Tree)

by Frank Stronghorse


This ceremony is designed for the apprentice to learn the art of the “give away” and to find his/her connection to nature through the development of the inner “voice” with nature. One must find the Voice of the Mother and ask for guidance.

1) Pick a location in nature where you can not be disturbed or the interaction with other humans is lessen. Go to this place and silently ask for Mother Earth to guide you to a tree who is willing to work with you. Begin walking and watch for a particular tree to catch your attention. Approach this tree and offer it tobacco or corn meal and ask it with respect to work with you.

2) Figure out the four directions. (S-W-N-E) Begin the ceremony by sitting in the South with your back to the tree and your head against the trunk. Place your left hand on the ground and your right hand on your one point (located a few inches below the navel). Ask the tree: Who am I? Sit quietly and listen. Do not judge what you hear, just quietly listen. When you feel complete, move to the West and ask: Where did I come from?
Again, remain quiet and respectful. When you feel complete, move to the North and ask: Why am I here? When you feel complete, move to the East and ask: Where am I going? What is my path with heart?

3) At any point in any of these directions, if you feel a blocks or any negative emotions state very intently: “I give _________ away.” Continue to do this until you feel complete. You may have several in one direction or none in any directions. The next time you do the ceremony, this may totally change. The point is to use this ceremony to clear yourself and gain clarity. The tree understands this better than you and will assist.

4) At the end of the ceremony, stand facing the tree and again offer it tobacco or corn meal and offer your heartfelt thanks. If you feel the need to return to any of the directions, do so. Leave and return to your starting place.

Repeat this ceremony as needed.

August 19, 2017

Navigating Life with Ethics

Navigating Life with Ethics

by Frank Stronghorse


Ethics are defined, by modern man, as morals or sets of behaviors that determine right from wrong and good from bad. This definition was somehow slipped into the dictionary by the religious image makers who decided to capitalize on ethics by turning the people away from what ethics actually were and towards a moral set of rules and laws that they defined.


Ethics have nothing to do with morals. Ethics are an individualistic, intuitive set of beliefs that one develops over lifetimes and serves as a continuum between you and your Creator. Out of these beliefs come actions and behaviors which define for you and your soul a rational basis for existence. For most humans, their ethics are anchored into Mother Life and Mother Earth, although they don’t consciously know it. Ethics have a natural flow about them that serves to heighten one’s connection to the Divine. Consequently, ethics are the steering mechanism or rudder to your spirit canoe. When you pass over, your ethics become the guiding light that leads you towards your higher self as well as the determining factor in your choices in how you choreograph your following lifetimes. Therefore, ethics and how you manage your ethics, become paramount in everyone’s life.


August 19, 2017

Artificial versus Organic Intelligence

     Artificial Intelligence versus Organic Intelligence

                                                                             By Frank Stronghorse


The thread of consciousness running through any of the various experiments to establish a planet within any galaxy where spirit transforms into substance and substance transforms back into spirit, the perfect mirror for the Creator, has often resulted in failure solely because the subjects have overridden the natural, organic spirit transformative process established by the Creator with their own interpretations. Or, in more simplified terms. God’s plans of the natural, organic method of spiritual transformation are corrupted by the implementation of artificial intellectual interpretations. On planet earth, we can summarize this as the application of artificial intelligence over organic intelligence.


Organic intelligence can best be described in this planet’s semantics as Nature. Nature forms the foundation and the alchemy of all change and transformation on the planet that is ordained by God for the proper alignment of spirit to substance and substance back to spirit. Organic energy produces the magic of the natural interaction of the elements of this planet and the energy they produce. Organic intelligence births both physical and spiritual life. It controls the death, movement, rebirth, and life cycle of Creation….which is, at the end of the day, the process of dreaming. It has within it a “fail-safe” intelligence that prevents organic intelligence from ever being totally destroyed and it knows itself better than humans know themselves.
